Crowning Point’s Wellness Matters Workshops


Wellness Matters Workshops focus on the Nine Dimensions of Wellness. The exclusive leadership wellness forums offer a supportive and confidential environment where leaders can come together to connect, share experiences, and explore strategies to address holistic well-being in their professional lives and the organizations they lead


1. Vitality Workshops: This session focuses on promoting physical well-being. Participants will learn and discuss strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including exercise routines, nutrition tips, and self-care practices that cater to women’s unique health needs. They will explore ways to balance work demands with physical well-being to enhance their overall energy levels and resilience.

2. Balance Workshop: This session provides techniques for managing stress, cultivating emotional intelligence, and building resilience. Participants will explore strategies for effective self-care, building healthy relationships, and creating a supportive work environment that prioritizes emotional well-being. Through engaging discussions, expert insights, and curated resources, participants will navigate the demands of leadership, maintaining balance and thriving as a leaders.

3. Resilience Workshop: In this session leaders will engage in thought-provoking discussions, to enhance intellectual wellness. Participants will engage in conversations and activities that stimulate critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. They will explore techniques to remain an intellectually vibrant leader, navigate challenges, and exchange ideas to empower them to thrive both personally and professionally.

4. Pathways Workshop: This session focuses on improving social well-being within organizations. Participants will discuss various topics on mental health and interactions among employees and with management. Together they will explore strategies on how to provide a supportive and inclusive work environment that emphasizes effective communication, collaboration, teamwork, and mutual support to build stronger, healthier teams within their organizations and make a positive impact on society.

5. Synergy Workshop: This session emphasizes occupational well-being for leaders who strive for excellence in their professional lives while maintaining work-life balance. This forum brings together leaders from various industries to share their experiences, strategies, and tips for finding fulfillment and success in their careers, setting, and achieving professional goals, and managing work-life integration. Participants will address topics such as stress, career advancement, and cultivating a supportive work environment.

    6. Sustainability Workshop: In this session, leaders will explore strategies for incorporating environmental consciousness into their leadership practices. Participants will discuss best practices and innovative ideas that promote sustainable practices to take charge of environmental stewardship and empower them to create positive change.

    7. Harmony Workshop: This session emphasizes cultural well-being, embracing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and fostering cultural awareness within their teams and organizations. Participants will explore and discuss strategies for developing inclusive work environments, harnessing the power of diverse perspectives, and cultivating cultural intelligence to create a work environment that respects and values diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

    8. Build Workshop: This session explores the factors contributing to the wealth gap. Participants will discuss strategies to bridge that gap, including strategies on investment, budgeting, personal financial management, negotiating salaries, and building wealth. Discussions will focus on gender biases and stereotypes and how to promote financial independence to empower their teams through financial literacy and empowerment.

    9. Journey Workshop: This session focuses on women leaders’ spiritual well-being. Participants will explore techniques for self-reflection, mindfulness, and finding purpose and meaning in their work and personal lives. They will examine strategies for embracing their unique spiritual beliefs, cultivating inner peace, and integrating spirituality into their leadership practices.

    Wellness Matters Workshops Rate: $1500 Per Person (10 – 1 Hour Sessions)

    Heart And Mind Journaling Sessions: 

    Developing EQ Through Reflective Practices


    Self-Reflection is the hallmark of developing self-knowing, the foundational element of emotional intelligence.  Developing a consistent reflective practice cultivates a profound inner wisdom characteristic of great leaders.

    Most leaders struggle with finding time to be reflective.  They either live in “task, reactive” mode in response to competing priorities or mistakenly confuse rumination for self-reflection.
    Journaling is only one of the highly effective self-reflection tools that build emotional intelligence. Making time for self-reflection exercises and journaling is an act of leadership development. We all have the internal wisdom to learn and adapt.  Not all of us have access to what we think, feel, and want.   We will explore what self-reflective practices might look like for a busy professional wanting to grow in leadership.

    Exploration of the internal emotional landscape is the basis of discovery for this offering.  This series explores the internal emotional patterns leaders experience that make them highly effective or woefully ineffective and emotionally exhausted.  Small, short reflective practices calm the brain allowing a leader to make better decisions with intention and focus.


      Each session includes a short presentation regarding various aspects of emotional intelligence to set the context for the exercises.  Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences or reactions to the reflection prompts, yet participation is voluntary.  The sessions are virtual and will not be recorded.

      1. The Power of Leadership Rituals – There are everyday practices that enhance leadership effectiveness and build connection in relationships.

      2. Managing The Inner Critic – The inner critic holds a leader back from offering their best ideas and creativity in the work environment.

      3. The Empowered Leadership Voice – Finding the empowered voice and articulating a well-developed point of view.

      4. Wellness and Resilience – Come and explore the hidden resistance to caring for oneself not just as a leader but also as a human in the world.


      Crowning Point is a proud vendor of ESC-Region 19 Purchasing (Allied States Cooperative) a national governmental purchasing cooperative. The Allied States Cooperative is a national governmental purchasing cooperative that bids and awards contracts to vendors at every level that complies with local, state, and federal procurement laws and regulations. The focus is on contracts available to public schools, charter schools, private schools, community colleges, universities, cities, counties, other governmental agencies, and nonprofits.

      Services offered through contract #22-7438 (Consulting, Contracted Services, Staff Development & Related (Supplemental) and contract #24-7474  (Consulting, Instructional, and Training Resources – ESC Region 19 Allied States Cooperative)

      • Staff Development
      • Consulting Services
      • Executive Coaching & Group Coaching
      • Profile Assessments
      • Motivational Speeches & Conferences
      • Professional Development Workshops
      • Women's Executive Leadership Program
      • Women's Leadership Series Program (Women’s Leadership Signature Program)